Ovarian maturation is accompanied by macroscopic changes in the ovary, which can be estimated without microscopical sectioning. For convenience, the process has been divided into stages that correspond with the external appearance of the ovaries:

  • Stage 1. Ovarian lobes translucent and smaller in diameter than the gut; oocytes at beginning of development.
  • Stage 2. Ovarian lobes opaque and with diameter similar to the gut; oocytes increased in size.
  • Stage 3. Ovarian lobes yellowish and larger in diameter than the gut; vitellin accumulating in oocytes.
  • Stage 4. Ovarian lobes deeply pigmented and occupying the dorsum of the body; oocytes mature.
  • Stage 5. Ovaries spent; lobes flaccid and much convoluted; ova undergoing resorption.

In stages 3 and 4 the ovaries are visible through the dorsum of the live animal. The colour of the ovaries intensifies as the prawn approaches spawning, but the final colour depends on the species. In heavily pigmented species the colour is often olive-green, but may be a slaty grey; in lightly pigmented species the colour is more often yellow or orange-yellow (Dall et al., 1990).